Day 4: I’m all atomic inside!

Hey! Before you go through this writeup try the task first by your self and if you get stuck come back and checkout the writeup.
Atomic Red Team is an open-source project that provides a library of small, easy-to-run tests designed to simulate real-world cyberattacks. Each test focuses on a specific tactic or technique from the MITRE ATT&CK framework, like privilege escalation, lateral movement, or data exfiltration. It’s great for testing your detection and response capabilities because it doesn’t require complex setup or specialised tools—just pick a test, run it, and see how well your security systems respond.
Q: What was the flag found in the .txt file that is found in the same directory as the PhishingAttachment.xslm artefact?
A: Open up a windows PowerShell as Administrator and open Windows Event Viewer,
In Event Viewer Navigate to Applications and Services => Microsoft => Windows => Sysmon => Operational
Right click on Operational
and select Clear Log
and in the pop up select Clear
Go back to the PowerShell and run,
Invoke-AtomicTest T1566.001 -TestNumbers 1
Go back to Windows Event Viewer click on Refresh
We are interested in two event types
- Process creation for PowerShell to execute the following command
"powershell.exe" & {$url = '<http://localhost/PhishingAttachment.xlsm>' Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $env:TEMP\\PhishingAttachment.xlsm}
- File creation with name PhishingAttachment.xlsm
Go to the directory where the file was created, the “hishingAttachment.txt” file contains the flag.
Q: What ATT&CK technique ID would be our point of interest?
A: Head over to and find the relevant Tactic ID for “command and scripting interpreter”.
Q: What ATT&CK subtechnique ID focuses on the Windows Command Shell?
A: Back at MITRE in the click on the subtechnique drop down and find the Technique ID for tactic “Windows Command Shell”.
Q: What is the name of the Atomic Test to be simulated?
A: In the PowerShell window run
Invoke-Atomictest <Tactic ID from previous question> -ShowDetails
As we are trying to simulate a ransomware attack based on the question, find the test related to ransomware and it’s name is the answer.
Q: What is the name of the file used in the test?
A: The output of the previous command has the answer.
Q: What is the flag found from this Atomic Test?
A: Open the file from the previous question. The flag is in the file.
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